Full project name
Research and development of IDENTYUM ID SCAN – computer vision system and service for analysis of optical security elements on ID documents and detection of fraud, and creation of digital identity.
Project beneficiary
Identity Consortium d.o.o.
Project partner
Short description of the project
Research and development of IDENTYUM ID SCAN service, ie application software interface for intelligent computer analysis of optical security elements on the video recording of the identification document, detection of fraud and creation of a secure digital identity of citizens. The resulting IDENTYUM ID SCAN service is intended for companies for reliable remote authentication of their end users (B2B2C), or directly to the users themselves, ie citizens for remote authentication of other users / citizens (B2C) via IDENTYUM ID SCAN service, all using a standard device with camera (laptop or smartphone).
Project objectives
The objective of this project is to develop a reliable technology (software, ie system) and a new product (“IDENTYUM ID SCAN”) which could optically (using a standard mobile phone camera) determine whether it is the original ID document or a forgery, ie an attempt to manipulate, in order to be able to create a secure and credible digital identity of the user that he / she could use in cyberspace.
Project outcomes
The output of this project will be a software solution / product, ie service, based on customized and optimized machine learning algorithms from the domain of computer vision, whose basic functionality is reliable optical recognition of document ID authenticity, based on video (NOT images!) of the document itself.
Total project value
The total value of the project is 9.724.353,14 HRK, while the amount of co-financing of EU project funds is 7.340.888,19 HRK.
Project implementation period
From 17th February 2020 until 17th August 2023
Contact for more information
Additional information

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