The benefits of digitalization of the signing process include faster conclusion of various contracts, as well as improved employee productivity, saving their time on printing, scanning and sending documents by regular mail. Circulation of electronically signed documentation in the company is more environmentally friendly, more agile, safe and cost effective.
Unlike most other signing solutions on the market, Identyum SIGN enables:
– Users to send the PDF for signature to any other person, whereby that other person does not need to have any existing means of electronic signing or a certificate for creatinG signatures. This is possible because the Identyum platform allows him to quickly and automatically obtain a certificate and create an electronic signature with no need to physically go to the registration office, no need for a smart card reader, USB device, installation of additional applications nor anything similar. Instead, the user only needs a smartphone or similar device with an Internet browser and Internet connection and an ID document (for the first login to create an Identyum ID Wallet and obtain an eIDAS signature certificate);
– The legal validity and authenticity of electronic signatures produced through Sign in any court in the EU, as regulated by eIDAS Regulation no. 910/2014;
– The electronic signature to be firmly linked to the identity of the signatory, thus giving the signature a higher level of credibility, especially in the event of court procedure and the need to prove the authenticity of the signature.
Upon signing, a standard SES or advanced AES eIDAS signature is created, using the standard and/or advanced certificate (depending on the needs of the signatory) previously stored in the Identyum ID Wallet of each end user. Both certificates are issued and added to the Identyum ID Wallet in a fully automated and remote process. In addition to sending the documentation for remote electronic signing to their customers/clients/business partners or any other party outside of their business environment (and being sure of the authenticity of the other party’s identity and the validity of the electronic signature), the Sign service users can also use this service for thE exchange and remote electronic signing of documentation within their business environment (between employees/directorates/departments, etc.).
Sign service also enables the (admin) user to manage the rights and authorization of other Sign service users (other employees) who will have the right to view, exchange, send, receive and electronically sign documents. It also enables precise and easy tracking of sent/submitted documents for signature and the status of all signatories (whether the document is signed or not).
You can try Identyum SIGN service here.

The project is funded by the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, Beneficiary Light Grant Scheme (B Light). The content of this article is the sole responsibility of Identity Consortium d.o.o. and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.