by AKK | Jan 31, 2024 | News
Hiring and onboarding the right candidate is a crucial role of the HR department. Often, these processes are challenging, especially identity verification during the onboarding of new hires. Some research indicates that, for example, Generation Z has specific...
by AKK | Jan 3, 2024 | Novosti
Ako ste mikro, malo ili srednje poduzeće, nerijetko ste u situaciji pritiska tržišta da digitalizirate svoje poslovanje. Svi pričaju o digitalizaciji, ali od svakodnevnih poslovnih obaveza, nije nimalo lak zadatak još razmišljati što bi i kako mogli digitalizirati. A...
by AKK | Dec 14, 2023 | News
Today’s fast-paced world demands fast and reliable package delivery. Yet the trends show an emerging problem of forging signatures by the delivery personnel. According to Business Insider, an estimated 15% of all online shopping deliveries fail to reach their...
by AKK | Nov 23, 2023 | News
Digitalization of pension systems Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. FinTechs and RegTechs have the potential to reshape private pension design and delivery....
by AKK | Sep 28, 2023 | News
Every day, a new case of penalties pops out in the media about companies asking for too much identity information. When we talk about too much information, what is too much? Where do the companies cross the line? Sending the photocopy of the ID card scenario Making...